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The Annual National Poetry Recitation Contest lets Armenian students, forms 7-12, explore English in a new way.
Register students to participate in this year's NPRC from January 14, 2019
Access 2019 contest rules & information
Download poems & lesson plans for the 2019 contest from January 14, 2019

To improve English and public speaking skills among Armenian youth, as well as provide a competitive and motivating environment that pushes critical thinking and promotes cross-cultural understanding.
The competition has 3 stages. There is no charge to compete.
1. Students identify, understand, memorize, and develop their presentation of the piece.
2. Regional contests are held for all who register.
3. Regional winners compete at the National contest in Yerevan.
More than 1/10th of all English-language students (forms 7-12) take part in NPRC.
In 2018, 719 students from 226 schools took part.
Over 80% of last year's participants said their English improved because of their participation in the contest.

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